Welcome technophobes, grease monkies, and motorheads

Welcome to a new'ish' site written by and with the imput from people who,s brains are so full of;
Technical abillity, Insane ideas, and the love of wierd and wonderfull shit, that there is no time in their over stressed brains for "CRAP" like spelling and punktuation.

Saturday 29 September 2012


 I had a buisy day and great plans for the Sportster.
This is all the parts i needed to fit today. 
A rear tyre. A chain drive conversion kit.
And a sprocket bearing to stop my wheel bearings from colapsing and leaving me in a jibbering wreck on the hard sholder. 
On the left is the bearing spacer that my friend Paul made for me .
 Well,,,,, I maneged to fit the bearing and the tyre but the FUCKING chain drive i nearly threw across the road.
Incase you haven't seen one of my very early posts, you can see above HOW TO BREAK THE BEAD on your tyre..
Its only £15 to have a shop do your tyre for you but its 20min's down the road then you have to wait another 30 mins then drive back. I'm not tight i'm just short on time so iIchange my tyres myself...
 This is the reason i couldn't fit my Chain-Drive. The sprockets are smaller so the chain will burn through the mount for the rear foot pegs. I thought about lots of ways to get around this but in the end i thought "FUCK IT ILL JUST PUT A BELT DRIVE BACK ON IT"
 Someone who had a more productive day than me was my Girl Jo.
We sanded the paint off her skateboard the she sprayed it.
 Then painted it.
How cool is that????

My day wasn't all that bad though as i did fit my tyre and bearing and i was totally buzzing to see Jo happy with her skateboard.
But what topped it off as we took the dogs for a walk and happend across a small village gathering with some amazing live music and good beer... RESULT.

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